Policies and Practices
- Flowers and potted floral arrangements placed for a burial service, Easter, Christmas and at other times may be reclaimed within one (1) week unless they become wilted or unsightly. Arrangements placed at other times are placed at the risk of the placer.
- Sunken vases, pots or permanent containers are prohibited.
- Wooden, metal or wire pins used for holding vases or other arrangements on graves should be removed with the flowers for safety reasons.
- Trash receptacles for the disposal of all wilted flowers and trash shall be available at convenient locations on the perimeter of the Graveyard.
- Water is made available year round at hydrants conveniently located throughout the Graveyard for cleaning gravestones and watering flowers.
- All artificial flowers that are not in a container and are merely stuck into the ground are not allowed and will be removed on sight by graveyard personnel. These will be retained for persons to reclaim for a reasonable length of time.
Approved by the Salem Congregation Board of Trustees May 6, 2013
Objects of any sort including but not limited to statues, stones, shells, stickers, stuffed animals, note cards and pictures are not allowed and will be removed by the Superintendent of the Graveyard. Every effort will be made to retain these objects for persons to reclaim for a reasonable length of time.
Approved by the Salem Congregation Board of Trustees August 7, 2008
American flags will be allowed to be placed by persons at three times during a calendar year: Memorial Day, July 4th and Veterans Day (May, July and November). One (1) flag is allowed per grave, either at the top or bottom of the head stone. Flags are allowed one (1) week prior and one (1) week after each holiday. The flag should be mounted to a wooden dowel and placed into the ground. Size should be 17” wide X 11” high. Flags left after the time limit will be removed by graveyard personnel and retained for persons to reclaim for a reasonable length of time.
Approved by the Salem Congregation Board of Trustees August 7, 2008
As the Church has consecrated God’s Acre to be a place of worship and sacred burial, it is appropriate to state proper practices in regard to military burial rites, especially in light of Moravian beliefs regarding the spiritual equality of our members, the democracy of death, and our historical and contemporary witness.
The customs of draping a graveside casket with the flag of one’s country and the folding of a flag in a ceremony after the benediction are acceptable customs respecting one’s honorable service in a branch of military service. It is also a fitting practice to have a reverent playing of “Day is Done” (“Taps”) after the benediction. Following burial, flags mounted on wooden dowels may be placed on graves in accordance with Salem Congregation Graveyard Rules. These customs are regarded as sufficient salutations of honorable military service, and as God’s Acre is a place of worship, the firing of a volley, a twenty-one gun salute or any other discharge of firearms in God’s Acre is prohibited.
It is our hope and intent that all burial practices will ultimately point to the God revealed in Jesus Christ, the Resurrection and the Life.
Approved by the Salem Congregation Board of Elders January, 2010
Designation of Choir for Burial
The Elders reaffirm that it is the responsibility of each member congregation to provide information on the burial form about a member’s choir designation based on the recommendation of the member’s family.
Approved by Salem Congregation Trustees and Board of Elders, 2018
SALEM SQUARE (less than 50 people)
- The applicant, person, agent or organization receiving permission for use of Salem Square assumes responsibility for the actions and behavior of the group while using the Square.
- This permission is understood to encompass employees and contract suppliers of goods and services.
- The applicant shall provide any insurance deemed necessary and shall hold harmless, Salem Congregation and the other governing institutions, Moravian Church in America, Southern Province; Home Moravian Church; Salem Academy and College; and Old Salem Museums and Gardens.
- The applicant shall be liable for damage, whether accidental or intentional, caused by its employees, contract suppliers, participants, guests and equipment to any and all elements of Salem Square, including but not limited to walkways, fences, gates, trees, the Market Fire House, the Water Pump Station, the irrigation system, the electrical system and any underground archaeological or utility infrastructure features not visible. Any damage costs over and above the $300 damage deposit fee for use of the Square will be the responsibility of same applicant.
- No alterations of the Market Fire House building, water pump station, fence, sidewalks or vegetation is allowed.
- No vehicular traffic permitted on the Square walkways or grass areas for any reason.
- No alcoholic beverages may be served or consumed at any event.
- Amplification must be approved in advance and must be expressly approved during the application process.
- No items will be allowed to be attached to any structure within the Square, including the Market Fire House, Water Pump station, fence, trees or grass areas.
- No restrooms, electrical or water supply connections will be provided.
- The applicant assures Salem Congregation, that the Square will be left in as good condition as that it was provided and that it will be returned in a clean and orderly condition satisfactory to Salem Congregation.
- The size of all events, other than those of the governing institutions, shall be no larger than 49 persons. The use of Salem Square and size limits of groups wanting to use the Square shall be made at the sole discretion of the Salem Congregation Central Board of Trustees or its agent, the Salem Congregation Director of Facilities.
- Any and all trash generated by any event will be collected in the applicant’s own receptacles and taken away during the clean up process.
- A refundable damage deposit of $300.00 is required for all events. The deposit check is returned if there is no damage to any items or components of the Salem Square.
- An “Application” form, when executed, provides for reserved, and thereby, exclusive use of the Square by the applicant. The event, date, and time are entered onto the Salem Square Calendar. Although some individuals and groups have voluntarily seen fit to make a financial contribution to Salem Congregation for the benefit of Salem Square, traditionally there has been no fee charged for the use of the Square. For the governing entities, other compatible private not-for-profit organizations, family groups and individuals, permission to use Salem Square shall continue to be afforded at no charge.
- Groups or individuals seeking to raise funds solely for their organizations, or to generate sales of products for the sole benefit of their organizations, or whose purposes or uses might put the governing entities in positions incompatible with their corporate missions and purposes and thereby bring disrepute upon the Salem community, have generally not been given permission to use Salem Square. This practice shall continue.
- In response to interest on the part of certain for-profit corporate entities, consideration is now being given to requests for use of Salem Square, as well as other facilities within the Historic District, on a fee-generating basis. The interest encompasses corporate or commercial entities that may afford support, financial and otherwise, to programs or events sponsored by one or another of the governing parties. These programs or events may afford benefit to the Salem community as a whole, or to the sponsoring entity alone. Interest has and may come from commercial entities whose mission and products may offer the potential of wider public knowledge and appreciation of the Salem community and may generate financial benefit and goodwill to the parties individually or severally.
- Filming proposals that request use of Salem Square as a focal area location, or as a point from which a focal area location is filmed, to depict a story or to sell a product or products, shall receive greater scrutiny because of the nature and power of the potential media product, and because of the potential interruption and disruption of the normal operations of the institutions.
- In addition to the normal application procedure indicated above, proposals shall also be evaluated as to the subject matter, point of view, and extent of location or locations to be utilized.
- Proposals for permission to film for theater release, for video release, for television release, or to meet academic requirements, whether considered entertainment, documentary, news, or background, shall be submitted at least three months prior to the date actual filming is projected to commence.
- Submissions are to include the script of the story to be filmed, and in the case of commercial or promotional advertisements, artist sketches or photographic representations of the product subject matter.
- Interviews with the principals may be requested.
- In any of these cases, fees for use are negotiable.
- Submissions for review shall be in multiples of four (4) copies and may be delivered to the Director of Facilities at the above address. A reasonable number of additional review copies may be requested.
Approved by the Salem Congregation Board of Trustees May 6, 2013
SALEM SQUARE (more than 49 people)
- The applicant, person, agent or organization receiving permission for use of Salem Square assumes responsibility for the actions and behavior of the group while using the Square.
- This permission is understood to encompass employees and contract suppliers of goods and services.
- The applicant, person, agent or organization receiving permission for use of Salem Square will abide and obey all laws, ordinances and regulations of the City of Winston-Salem, County of Forsyth and State of North Carolina and assumes responsibility for any fines or costs resulting from violations. Material violation of the contract as determined by Salem Congregation will result in automatic termination of the event and vacating the property immediately. All future scheduled events for the remainder of the year will be cancelled and no further reservations can be made for twelve months.
- Food trucks and Food carts are not permitted on Salem Square, the surrounding streets or within the Historic District of Old Salem per City of Winston-Salem ordinances. Violations will be strictly enforced by the City of Winston-Salem. A violation will result in immediate cancellation of an event and vacating the property by anyone present.
- Closing of any street requires a permit provided by the City of Winston-Salem upon their approval of the request. Guidelines provided with the permit must be adhered to and notification of such closure must be approved as part of this contract agreement prior to applying for the permit.
- An estimated total attendance for the organization members and attendees is required. For the first 50 people and one for every 100 after, there will be a fee to cover the cost of an off-duty officer or other security officer as determined by Salem Congregation. Salem Congregation will be responsible for the hiring and payment of the security officer in order to provide public safety, enforce the contract and all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations previously mentioned.
- Rain dates can only be scheduled if security can be available on the requested date and an additional fee to cover those costs will be required.
- The applicant shall provide any insurance deemed necessary and shall hold harmless, naming Salem Congregation and the other governing institutions: Home Moravian Church; Salem Academy and College; and Old Salem Museums and Gardens as additional insured on the insurance policy. Required insurance certificates must be provided to the Salem Congregation a minimum of ten days prior to the scheduled event or use of the Square will be canceled.
- The applicant shall be liable for damage, whether accidental or intentional, caused by its employees, contract suppliers, participants, guests and equipment to any and all elements of Salem Square, including but not limited to walkways, fences, gates, trees, the Market Fire House, the Water Pump Station, the irrigation system, the electrical system and any underground archaeological or utility infrastructure features not visible. Any damage costs over and above the $400 damage deposit fee for use of the Square will be the responsibility of same applicant.
- No alterations of the Market Fire House building, water pump station, fence, sidewalks or vegetation is allowed.
- No vehicular traffic permitted on the Square walkways or grass areas for any reason.
- No alcoholic beverages may be served or consumed at any event. Public announcements of pertinent information such as no alcohol during events with food or picnicking are required.
- Amplification must be approved in advance and must be expressly approved during the application process.
- No items will be allowed to be attached to any structure within the Square, including the Market Fire House, Water Pump station, fence, trees or grass areas.No restrooms, electrical or water supply connections will be provided. Additional fees may be required if approval is given for these items.
- The applicant assures Salem Congregation, that the Square will be left in as good condition as that it was provided and that it will be returned in a clean and orderly condition satisfactory to Salem Congregation.
- Any and all trash generated by any event will be collected in the applicant’s own receptacles and taken away during the clean-up process.
- The use of Salem Square and size limits of groups wanting to use the Square shall be made at the sole discretion of the Salem Congregation Central Board of Trustees or its agent, the Salem Congregation Director of Facilities
- A nonrefundable fee of $100 and refundable damage security deposit of $400.00 is required for each event. The security deposit will be is returned less costs of any damage to any items or components of the Salem Square, or other reimbursed expenses as outlined If the security deposit is not adequate to cover the damages or expenses due to their use of the Square and associated facilities, then Salem Band may be assessed the additional cost.
- An “Application” form, when executed after the first of each year once institutions have set their events, provides for reserved, and thereby, exclusive use of the Square by the applicant. The event, date, and time are confirmed when entered onto the Salem Square Calendar visible at Salemcongregation.org once fees and deposits are received
- Any changes to conditions must be explicitly approved in writing by the Salem Congregation Trustees Executive Committee and additional conditions may apply if approved.
- The use of the Square under this agreement does not allow any type of photography, filming, recording, or video for any other than personal use, as described in Salem Congregation’s policies (attached) and available at salemcongregation.org.
Adopted Salem Congregation Trustees August 5, 2024
- Salem Congregation employees or Board members may restrict the time, manner and location of photography of Salem Congregation property at any time without advance notice.
- Photographers and their subjects are responsible for their own safety and Salem Congregation assumes no responsibility for their actions.
- For the purposes of this policy, the word “photography” applies to film, video and digital cameras.
- Rules for photography on Salem Congregation property applies to all properties owned by Salem Congregation including those leased by Salem Academy and College.
- The following is prohibited: Interference with church services at Home Moravian Church, Salem Square, Salem Moravian Graveyard or the St. Philips brick church at 911 South Church Street; Entering the Graveyard during a funeral; Obstruction of sidewalks and streets; Restriction of access to church office building; Interference with visitors in the district; Arrangement of equipment in a dangerous manner; Disturbance of the property of any owner without their express permission; Moving or altering street signs or sidewalk benches in any way.
- The Old Salem Historic District is comprised of property owned by private residents, Old Salem Museums and Gardens, Salem Congregation, Home Moravian Church, Salem Academy and College and the City of Winston-Salem.
- All photographers must comply with the rules and must respect the rights of all property owners.
- No pets are allowed in the Salem Moravian Graveyard, including for photographic purposes.
- Restroom facilities and electrical power connections located in Salem Congregation buildings are not available for persons engaging in photography. Public restrooms are available through Old Salem Museums and Gardens.
- Photography of people without their permission, especially those under the age of 13, may be regulated by law and is the responsibility of the photographer.
- Commercial Photography – Outdoor and indoor photography for commercial purposes is prohibited and under no circumstances allowed in the Salem Moravian Graveyard. Exterior photo shoots are allowed for brides, families, couples and children or other similar groups around Salem Congregation properties. Permission required.
- Media Photography – Outdoor media photography is allowed for general news reporting. Approval for the photographing of outdoor events beyond the scope of news events may be allowed with prior notification and approval by the Salem Congregation Director of Facilities.
Approved by Salem Congregation Central Board of Trustees on December 3, 2012